We Need Sustainable Labs for Sustainable Research
By: Priorclave North America
Categories: Lab Autoclaves Lab Design

The global consensus on climate change has grown increasingly dire. Nonetheless, a shocking percentage of “sustainable research” is done in labs that do not operate in an environmentally sustainable manner.
According to recent figures, the average research lab consumes five to eight times more energy than a typical office space of the same size. Labs use routinely waste millions of gallons of water each year, and dispose of billions of pounds of plastic (and that’s only counting non-hazardous waste plastic).
At Priorclave North America we’ve long supported all efforts at sustainability. That starts with our autoclaves themselves—designed from the ground up to be reliable, effective, and extremely efficient. And it’s continued with our early support for the ACT Label program.
Get in on the ACT for Sustainable Research and Operations
The ACT LABEL—which stands for Accountability, Consistency, and Transparency—is a sort of “nutrition label” for lab equipment. Having the label makes it easy to consider the impact a piece of equipment or supply will have on sustainable research operations. (The info on the label is independently third-party verified, audited by Sustainability Made Simple, and verified by My Green Lab.)
We’re so pleased that Priorclave was among the small vanguard of manufacturers recognized for Sustainable Procurement Leadership at the 2018 I2SL Annual Conference:
“These manufacturers and organizations have demonstrated tremendous leadership in a space historically left out of the sustainability conversation,” says Allison Paradise, CEO of My Green Lab. “We are thrilled to see them being recognized by the I2SL community.”
Thank you, Allison!
To learn more about steps your lab can take toward sustainable research operations—including the ACT Label program—visit My Green Lab.