Priorclave Highlights Energy Saving Autoclave Features at Analytica 2024
By: Douglas Watts
Categories: Lab Autockaves Lab Autoclaves News

Visitors to the Priorclave stand B1.321at this year’s Analytica* exhibition in Munich will get to understand more about the diversity of its range of steam sterilizers and why they appeal to such a wide cross section of business. From dairy, brewing, food, pharmaceutical and research and centres worldwide, the Priorclave brand of autoclaves has brought many significant benefits to a laboratory’s sterilizing applications.
Standard research and laboratory grade autoclaves are available from 40 to larger 750 litre models including Benchtop, Top Loading and Front-Loading models with either cylindrical or rectangular chambers. And with over 70 models to choose, the company recently introduce a more simplified approach to finding the best model for any specific sterilizing need. New standard range selection covers – Base, Smart and Performance.
The Base range covers “the basics”—standard lab work (including media preparation), waste loads, and the like. These autoclaves are available in both cylindrical and rectangular models, ranging from small benchtop models to large pass-thru autoclaves.
The Smart range of sterilisers are vacuum-equipped for greater flexibility. They can handle a wider range of loads (including mixed loads), produce drier loads, and offer expanded programming functions. These are available in both cylindrical and rectangular models, sized for any lab.
The Performance range are mid-sized and larger sterilisers optimised for “power users.” All models are steam-jacketed and vacuum-equipped, ready to handle more load types, more loads per day, and produce dryer loads more quickly.
Visitors to stand B1.321 in the Gambica Pavilion will be able to discuss the improved energy efficiencies, lower electrical costs, and lower water usage, all contributing to lowering the costs of ownership of a Priorclave brand.
They will continue to offer a superior anti-microbial exterior finish to body panels and frames, a highly effective and permanent treatment for lifelong control of harmful bacteria and protection against the threat of cross contamination. This tough special epoxy finish is proven to reduce bacterial growth by up to 99.99% and is highly effective against MRSA, E.coli, Listeria, Legionella, Campylobacter, Salmonella, Pseudomonas and over fifty other species.